Since 2007 Bayreuth University Library has acquired collections from Springer Nature on all fields of science. These collections include many e-books from publishers
Gabler, Teubner, Vieweg,Verlag für Sozialwissenschaft and (since 2016)
Palgrave and
J.B. Metzler. DFG-funded national licences for various subjects are also available. Around 75,000 e-books are available, including many textbooks and series titles.
After having acquired further collections, the following collections are now accessible via
German-language collections:
- Erziehungswissenschaften und Soziale Arbeit 2019–2021
- J.B. Metzler Geisteswissenschaften 2005–2021
- Natur- und Basiswissenschaften 2000–2021
- Psychologie 2015–2021
- Sozialwissenschaften/Recht 2008–2021
- Technik/Informatik 2005–2021
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2000–2021
English-language collections:
- Behavioral Sciences and Psychology 2011–2012; 2019–2021
- Biomedical and Life Science 2011–2015
- Business and Economics 2005–2015
- Business and Management 2016–2021
- Chemistry and Materials Sciences 2000–2008 und 2011–2015
- Computer Science 2008–2018
- Earth and Environmental Sciences 2005–2021
- Economics and Finance 2016–2021
- Energy 2013–2021
- Intelligent Technologies and Robotics 2019–2021
- Literature, Cultural and Media Studies 2017–2021
- Mathematics and Statistics 1920–2021
- Medicine 2005–2008
- Palgrave Economics and Finance 2000–2013
- Physics and Astronomy 2012–2021
- Political Science and International Studies 2017–2021
- Professional and Applied Computing 2011–2012
- Religion and Philosophy 2016–2021
- Social Sciences 2017–2021
- Business and Economics 2000–2021
- Educational studies and social work 2019–2021
- Engineering/Computer Sciences 2005–2021
- J.B. Metzler Humanities 2005–2021
- Psychology 2015–2021
- Sciences 2000–2021
- Social sciences and law 2008–2021
Accessible series:
Through a service provided by Springer, low-priced print copies of e-books (only English-language books) can be purchased by staff and students of the University of Bayreuth. For more see:
Springer MyCopy.